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How do we work?

Our underpinning belief 

We believe that leadership grows from beneath your personal 'waterline' which is where what you believe in, what you think and feel, what drives you and your moral compass reside. 

Above your waterline is where your leadership is observed and perceived through what you say, what you do and how you behave.

Our approach 

We work with and alongside you and your team, physically or virtually,  to explore your preferred personal styles, your roles and what they require of you, the context and influences that impact on your services and approaches.

By working in this way we believe that we can support you to develop your leadership effectiveness and achieve collaborative advantage from working as a team.

We will talk to you to explore what you are trying to achieve.


We will help you to decide whether we can provide you with the support you need and if you would like to explore options further we pull together a proposal for you to consider and negotiate. 

If and when you agree our proposal, we will work up a more detailed plan for your approval before we begin our support package.

All initial conversations are on a 'no commitment' basis.

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